Saturday, June 30, 2012

Day 13—Lunch in Capira at Delizz

Driving back from Punta Chame.

Before we came to Panama, Sean and I did a lot of research on this place, and followed a few blogs by expats living in Panama.  One in particular, was wonderful because it was of a couple, Terry and Clyde, who left Texas in September of last year, and Terry decided to blog about their transition in to Panamanian culture.  It is a very informative blog, and Terry has been great about blogging frequently.  Her blog is called “Along the Gringo Trail”.  So I know they have met other people like Sean and I, who are exploring the place for retirement, but I hesitated about emailing them.  It just seems a little weird to email someone who doesn't have the slightest idea of who you are, and you know quite a bit about them.  It would be like, “I’m going shopping in Beverly Hills, I think I’ll email Kim Kardasian and see if she would like to meet for lunch”.  OK, nothing like that really, but I thought it would be just as weird.  Then I decided to check out what Terry and Clyde had been up to while we were in Panama, and it turned out she had been to beach, literally in front of our beach villas.  I took that as a sign.  (Well as sign that this country is a pretty small place, and we would probably run into them sooner or later, so we may as well email them.) 

Friday, June 29, 2012

Day 12—Feral Cats & Punta Chame

Ok, don’t tell Sean but I may or may not have sent the following emails, in the morning, before any cocktails what so ever…

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Day 11—Oh god, please not the electricity!

Notice the glass shards embedded in the wall.

This was a day that really doesn’t count, because I spent most of it recovering from the trauma of yesterday’s STARING and bumpy roads, doing laundry, and writing about Days 8 and 9.  So, it was like I wasn’t even here in the present, but like I time warped and was living in the past.  Also, I was reading a really entertaining book, which was totally addictive and funny. 

Then I thought I had a fever, and was convinced that I was dying of either Malaria or Dengue Fever. 

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Day 10—The Proverbial Wall

Disclaimer: If you will be offended by an ungracious rant…DON’T READ THIS….This is venting. 
I promise, I am polite in public, and I am NOT AN UGLY AMERICAN! 
This is venting…on the internet, in English…OK, ‘nuff said…I warned you…
(and by the way, this is a toned down version).

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Day 9—Water? No. Cuban Food? Yes.

The day after the storm, we woke up to a clear, beautiful, sunny sky.  Sean and I went for a morning swim, and then just putzed  around the condo. We both noticed that the water pressure was super low, and was only coming out of the kitchen tap at a trickle.  When Sean went to take a shower, there was no hot water, because to make on-demand water heaters work, there needs to be a certain level of water pressure. And then THE WATER STOPPED COMPLETELY! Just when I was feeling my most disgusting, sweaty, self…NO SHOWER!  Not even a cold one?  I’m sorry but another swim just wasn't going to cut it. I needed soap people!  Breakfast dishes languished in the heat, and I just tried to figure out how to brush my teeth. I ended up leaving fridge water out to warm up in a cup. It was like camping, but somehow a lot grosser.  So we gave up hanging out at the cottage, and headed to Chame for some Cuban food for lunch.  

Monday, June 25, 2012

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Day 7—Gorgona Fish Market and Mangoes

So we finally scrounged up the nerve to go to the Fish Co-op. (When I say we, I mean me, because Sean really has no fear about these things.) Unfortunately we waited until about 11a.m. and the weather was super muggy and hot (have I mentioned that yet?)…the worst we’ve experience so far.  So I sprayed myself with sun screen, grabbed a towel (I also had every intention of taking a dip in the ocean), a camera, and some cash.  As we were on our way out,  Donna, the Mormon/Jehovah’s Witness,  accosted us and invited herself along.  The thing about Donna is she doesn’t stop talking.  Luckily, so far she is only regaling us with stories of her past.  She apparently has lived everywhere, and has a lot of stories to tell about it.  

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Day 6—Exploring Coronado and the Westland Mall

I finally got up before sunrise.  It was lovely.  I snapped a few pictures of the sunrise.  We are facing South because of the way Panama curves, so from our condo, we will never get those spectacular sunrises or sunsets you will get in Hawaii.  But the fact that I can open our front door and jump into a pool to cool off whenever I want is worth the trade-off.  We ate scrambled eggs and bacon for breakfast, took a morning swim, and then got showered. 

Friday, June 22, 2012

Day 5—A Whole Lotta Lazin’ around!

View from our terrace.
We had a great night of sleep last night …NO MUSIC, thank god!!!  I feel like I am over sleeping every day, but who knows it could be a slight cold, or the fact that this balmy, sultry weather makes me feel as if I have had two glasses of wine at all times.  I can’t believe it is only 6:30pm, and the sun is setting. Pretty much year round, the sun rises at about 6 a.m. and sets at 6:30 p.m. ( No wonder these people think we are crazy, we eat when it is still light outside.) 

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Day 4—Really? Until 3 am! Really? Oh, and Happy Father’s Day

So last night sucked.  I don’t know where it was coming from, but there was live, LOUD music playing until about 3 am! Luckily I slept through most of it, but when I woke at 2, it was sooo loud that I couldn’t fall back asleep.  Really? I am now very grateful for some our over-legislated lives in the US, because that kind of shit doesn’t happen there (OK it does, but it doesn’t last as long without cops intervening)! But here, it’s a never ending fiesta! Geez…Despite that annoying interlude, I woke up early and made coffee.  There was a tiny bit of sun trying to squeeze through the clouds.  You could tell it was going to be a much nicer day.  I sat on the patio, and took in the beauty that is Panama.  The crashing sound of the waves, the different calls of birds, and the love and affection of the sweetest, ugliest, feral cat I have ever seen.  The land lord warned us not to feed this cat, but he is beginning to tug at the heartstrings.  He looks like a shaved, Paleo Fritz.  Emma has named him Meow Mix.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Day 3—The Rainy Season & Where is the Half & Half?

They don’t call it the rainy season for nuthin’! We woke to really low skies and eminent rain.  My instinct: HUNKER DOWN! And boy did it pour, and pour, and pour! While this was great for a relaxing day, it was really kind of claustrophobic and boring, and I think we started to get on each other’s nerves.  Sean was kind enough to make the half & half run, only to discover that half and half does not exist in Panama.  So he chose Leche (regular milk) and just in case, condensed milk in a carton.  Perplexed, I opted for the milk, and thus my coffee was disappointing.

Day 2—Driving in Panama City

We woke up to a beautiful sunny day in Panama City.  We had a view of the downtown skyline, and of the Pacific Ocean. 

The View from our Marriott window

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Day 1—I hate flying! June 14th 2012

Well here we are, flying over somewhere east of Modesto.  I see a tiny bit of unmelted snow patches.  We are on our way to Atlanta, GA where we will be catching a connecting flight to Panama City, Panama.

Of course, because we are so cheap, our flight took off at 6 a.m., which means the alarm was set for 3 a.m.  And, of course (because this NEVER  happens, unless I need to sleep!), the dog had some sort of gastro-intestinal emergency at 12:30 a.m., which means after I let him out to do his business,  I tossed and turned until 2:30 am, finally got up, and now I feel like a sleepy, disoriented, stuffed sausage.  I hate flying.  I spend the entire flight vacillating between complete boredom and claustrophobia  to complete terror should we hit any turbulence. 

And seriously, why do they allow people to put their seats back! Like the 12” in front of my face isn’t breath sucking as it is, now I have 8”!!! I am not a good traveler.  I love exotic destinations, and once the horrible travel day is over, I completely enjoy myself (as long as I have my 3 pillows, and my coffee mug from home).  My husband thinks I am high maintenance, but hey, I do all the planning, the packing, and the thinking.  All he needs to do is schlep some bags, and try not to irritate me on travel day! After that I love exploring new places (and my husband!).