Sunday, July 8, 2012

Day 21—Rain? Yes, Hot Water? No…again.

Emma took this one.  I think it is pretty cool. 
Even though Emma and I were completely sick of Ameri-Mexi food,  Sean was not.  So he ran to the El Machetazo for some refried beans.  Unfortunately, he did not pay attention to where I had grabbed them.  So he headed to the regular bean section, and all that he can find is refried black beans. Perplexed,  he spots a kid stocking the shelves and he asks, “Frijoles, no negros?”

The guy points to the can, “Si, frijoles negros”

“No, NO negro, ahhh… frijoles…ahhh… fritos…. ummm…ala... Mexicano?”

Bahahahahaha! Wow, my husband is funny even in Spanish.  

Somehow the guy understood what Sean wanted, and also, thought it was the funniest thing he had ever heard.  He called over two other workers standing by, “El quiere frijoles ala  Mexicano?”

Bahahahaha! Seriously, I think he should get paid for this. 

The three of them lead him directly to the the Ameri-Mexi food section, laughing the entire way.
 I suppose we will probably never know  why that turn of phrase was so muy gracioso, but apparently it was. 

So, yeah, it rained, and yeah there was not hot water (there never seems to be the day after a power outage). 

But we swam and met some new people that have arrived at the condo.  There is a couple from Washington D.C.  They are retired, and travel the world doing home exchanges.  There is another couple that are a couple of years away from retirement.  They live in San Francisco, and she is a high school teacher, and he is a bus driver.  It was fun and interesting talking with both of these couples.  I think meeting new people is my favorite part of being down here. 

In the afternoon we took a walk on the beach, but the tide was so high, that we couldn't go very far.  These are some of our pictures:

Emma took all of these on our walk:

And these are my pictures:

I'm thinking we are probably more alike than different, me and my lovely daughter.

(But whatever you do don't tell her I said so...)

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